
My name is Faiz, I am 25 years old from Glasgow and I have a learning disability. For me a Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodiversity Bill is very important, and I think it would be very beneficial for me, and people like me.  

I was diagnosed with a learning disability in primary school, and this made things different for me. School was a bit of a struggle because I was in a mainstream school, but I did get support from pupil support, and I got on with all my classmates.  

I liked school because I really enjoyed H.E as I love cooking! After school though I went to college, and I found this really difficult! I didn’t get the same support at college that I did at school, and this made for a difficult transition from school to college. 

I was getting easily overwhelmed and beginning to get stressed in my classes which made this a hard time for me. Especially as I done a lot of my college work online.

It was after conversations with people who worked at ENABLE that I realised I didn’t want to be in college anymore, so I left, and they helped me find a job!

Faiz Image For Microsite

Finding a job was quick difficult, I find the interviews very stressful, and I found that employers don’t always understand the extra support I need before an interview. 

Fortunately, I got a job at the social blind café, and I work there every second Saturday and Sunday. I really enjoy work as I like doing all the food preparation and making coffees! I also get on well with the other members of staff. 

I wish I just looked for a job after school instead of going through the stress of college, but school wanted me to go to college first.  

Now I am happy where I am working and hoping to take on a new role in the future as I would like to move out of home some day and into a place of my own.  

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